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Areas of Practice

02. Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Estate planning is the process of planning for the distribution of your tangible and intangible property upon death, and may also include planning for your potential incapacity.  No matter what your net worth, it is important to have an estate plan in place to be certain that your family is provided for in the event of your death or incapacity.  We guide you in identifying your present and potential assets, and prepare a Last Will & Testament that will distribute said assets according to your expressed desire. 

Many individuals are under the misconception that Estate Planning is unnecessary when there is a living spouse as they will “automatically inherit” all of the couples assets.  In some cases, that may not be the decedent’s intent, nor in the best interest of the surviving spouse. Cases of blended families require clear directives to ensure that every family member old and new understand and receive the percentages intended for each heir. 


Preneed Guardianships are especially compelling when you have a history of Alzheimer's in the family.  It is paramount to have these documents drafted well before a diagnosis.  This document is also important when you have minor children as it gives the parent the peace of mind that they have chosen their minor children's guardian in case of an untimely death or incapacity whether permanent or temporary.


The State of Florida has specific requirements for the preparation of testamentary documents, and it is paramount that you have an attorney draft these documents for you to ensure your intent is properly communicated.

01. Last Will and Testament
 Outlines what to do with   possessions, whether the   deceased will leave them to         another person, a group or   donate them to charity, and   what happens to other things   that they are responsible for,   such as custody of dependents   and management of accounts   and financial interests.

02. HIPAA Release
 Permits the disclosure of   personal health information to   an individual of your choosing   for a purpose that would   otherwise not be permitted by  the HIPAA Privacy Rule.

03. Durable Power of Attorney and            Designation of Medical Surrogate
 Allow someone you appoint to   make financial and medical   decisions for you in the event     that you are unable to make   those decisions for yourself. 

04. Living Wills
 States your wishes regarding   life-sustaining medica   treatments during end-of-life   situations.

05. Preneed Guardianship
 Allow an individual to designate   who they wish to be named as   their Ward, or caregiver of their   property, and person.

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The Law Office of Annalie Alvarez, P.A. is located in Miami, FL and serves clients in and around Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County.


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8333 Northwest 53rd Street, Suite 450

Doral, Florida 33166


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Tel: 305-557-4300 / Fax: 305-675-6377

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